The Week of February 19th

The Week of February 19th

February 19, 2024


# Goal Grade
1 Learn 5 yoga moves A
2 Add a cloudflare binding to unnamed hiring platform F
3 Publish Speaking Aloud and Retrospectives A
4 Experiment with time tracking A+
5 Collate bills A+

As I said in my monthly retrospective, I have a late start at things, so I have some learning and getting-into-grooving ahead of me.


Learn 5 yoga moves

I spent a little bit of time doing yoga, and can recall 6 moves, although anyone who knows about yoga will know that the 6th one is a bit of a cheat. I referred to this resource, Pocket Yoga, as I stood in front of my computer to do yoga.

  • Goddess
  • Kneeling Shiva
  • Warrior II
  • Tree
  • Triangle
  • Mountain

Add a cloudflare binding to unnamed hiring platform

I did not even begin to do this. Partly because I am still unsure what I want to build, but most probably because I anticipated it being a bit too difficult for something I am not sure I want. The problem of course is that I just need to build something.

Publish Speaking Aloud and Retrospectives

Done and done.

Experiment with time tracking

Since I have my own homeserver, I first consulted Awesome SelfHosted for potential options. Of the options under time tracking, Timetagger looked the most suitable to me, and I had it installed quite quickly. Start to finish it took 1 hour 5 minutes (first thing recorded in app), and I have been semi-diligently tracking time since 17:30 Wednesday.

I was under the impression that time-tracking would not appeal to me, mostly because I did not think it would be intuitive. Luckily I was mistaken about how most time trackers work. I thought that the easiest way for it to work would be to rely on automatic recording of time spent using browser extensions to record screentimes and correspond those to activities. That seems sufficiently convoluted in retrospect.

Instead, timetagger works on the principle of tags exclusive to the concept of projects, and relies on manual entry. But the interface is quite fluid for adding entries, and includes options for presets of tags. I simply open the app on any browser (or the downloaded progressive web app on my iphone) and hit record. I am prompted for tags (optionally presets), and then time, defaulting to the end of the last recorded activity.

I have recorded 33 hours 27 minutes thus far. I plan to keep recording time.

Collate bills

I planned to just add up some utility bills that I have yet to invoice to my fiance (since we share expenses), and ended up looking on awesome selfhosted yet again and finding Actual budget, which has helped me go quite beyond what I planned at the outset. I have started creating a detailed view of my finances for at least the past 18 months, which will help me immeasurably for the future.

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