It came as a great shock when the first human mind was put inside a computer. Not because the thing had been done, for it had been a long time coming, but because of how easy it had been. Like a large branch giving way under minuscule pressure, with a shocking crack. The shock was short-lived, for though the mind had gotten into the computer, it was clear that something had been lost along the way.
February 8, 2024
I can’t stop getting into car crashes. And I don’t mean I have a natural physical propensity for getting into car crashes. I also don’t mean I’m prone to crash because of being a bad driver. I’m actually a pretty good driver, by Californian standards. What I mean is that I have a need to get into car crashes. I can’t say exactly what it is I find so alluring about getting into a car crash, but let me try to explain it to you.
February 16, 2022
Kilroy Mesnin was finally satisfied enough to die. He had lived longer than any other mortal, but longevity was only ever a symptom of his true purpose. More accurately, his truer purpose, an effort to guide humanity from its fledgling state to something that could hold its own in the universe. His true purpose had long since expired. But it's a big universe, and the only person who could properly appreciate its scope was Kilroy, so he doted upon the human race, giving them advances in technology and sociology when he thought they could handle it, and systematically regressing their technology while augmenting their sociology when they proved too self destructive.
January 26, 2022