February 2024

February 2024

February 19, 2024


# Goal Grade
1 Ship Unnamed Hiring Platform F
2 Meet 1 new person1 A
3 Write one short story C
4 Perform all retrospectives A

This is the first time I am starting to perform this tactic of retrospective organization, so I have quite a late start on this month.


Ship Unnamed Hiring Platform

Again I come back to the fact that I do not know what I want to build. I am coming to realize that I must set my expectations much lower than what I think of as “low” if I want to build anything, period.

Meet 1 new person

I met 2 new people, whose names were Smythe and Louis, respectively. Upon retrospection, my metric for “meeting” a person might be quite a bit lower than average. I consider myself to have “met” a person after exchanging names, and getting to know at least one interesting fact about them. Of course besides that there is the unseen 90% of compartmentalization that humans perform when assessing other humans.

Write one short story

I began work on one, and I think it is going to be good.

Perform all retrospectives

Did that, for the most part. I still have to complete this week’s retrospective, but I have tomorrow to complete a few of the things in the goals for this week.

Retrospecting on the retrospective

I need to focus more on building, and these retrospectives have made that abundantly clear. I will continue them for now, and hopefully in time I will produce something of interest enough to warrant their existence. They are certainly a useful tool, and getting to do them for a full month’s time should definitely give me more time to fulfill loftier ambitions.

Aside from the retrospectives, I have also semi-avidly been timetracking (Sundays excepted), and have found it to be another useful organizational technique. I plan on starting to do freelancing, so this should give me an accurate assessment of the time it takes to actually perform tasks for clients, and keep that in mind for pricing, since I intend to price per project rather than per hour.

  1. I am not ashamed to admit it: besides my fiancé whom I love dearly, boss, and family, I have contact with 0 people on a regular basis. I recognize this to be extreme. I am not unhappy, nor do I have a serious expectation of what meeting other people would do for me. I just want to see what happens. ↩︎

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