The Week of March 25th

The Week of March 25th

March 25, 2024


# Goal Grade
1 Interact with my family A
2 Hack together a browser extension C
3 Read some more Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs B


Interact with my family

Talked to my sister at length. Turns out she just had a baby, and that kind of thing deprives one of sleep for at least a couple of weeks afterwards. I had not called her immediately after just for that reason. She told me I would have to get a TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis [whooping cough]) shot for my eventual meeting with my new niece. I got that done quickly, at Costco for cheap. I also sent along a couple of gifts my niece will never conciously perceive, but hopefully the parents will appreciate the cute dress and bib.

Hack together a browser extension

Ran through a tutorial for a basic extension. I have finally decided what I want to build though, and an extension is not the bulk of it. I want to build a self-hosted interface to Large Language Models hosted by OpenAI, Anthropic, Mistral, self-hosted, and more. They have fairly similar Application Programming Interface endpoints, so one interface to all of them would be of some benefit. There already exists at least one such project, but its reliance on cloud technologies made me sick, so I want to build my own.

I have at least a couple of goals in mind for this:

  • Installable as a Progressive Web App
  • For it to work as an extension (with potential like highlighting for quick context)

Read some more Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

I did this, and I also found that watching MIT’s 1986 SICP Lectures by the book’s authors—Hal Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman—after having read and worked through the material myself, is much more beneficial than any single component on its own.

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